Up-to-date Spring Framework Petclinic presentation

Spring Petclinic is a sample application that has been designed to show how the Spring Framework can be used to build simple but powerful database-­oriented applications.
The « canonical » version of Spring Petclinic is based on Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. But many forks exists: distributed version (microservices) built with Spring Cloud, React, AngularJS. The fork we are talking about is named Spring Framework Petclinic. It maintains a Petclinic version both with a plain old Spring Framework configuration and a 3-layer architecture (i.e. presentation –> service –> repository).

Those 3 last years, the community has commited a lot of improvements: Bootstrap 3 migration, PostgreSQL support, alternative Java configuration, LESS, switch to the Spring IO Platform, stateless architecture, SQL optimizations, unit tests, templating with JSP tags.

The slides Michael Isvy shared 4 years ago have just been updated with all those new features. You may have a look. It covers a lot of interesting topics: software architecture, domain model presentation, data access, Spring profiles, caching, transaction management, exception handling, AOP, exception handler, validation, webjars, Java configuration, unit testing and so on.

Spring Core 4.2 Certification Mock Exam

spring-pro-certFour years ago, I’ve published a first mock exam for the Spring Core 3.0 Certification. Encouraged by Michael and Alan, I’ve updated this free mock exam for the Spring Professional certification based on the Spring Core 4.2 course.

According to the Core Spring 4.2 Certification Study Guide, 3 new topics have been added to the Spring Core 4.2 mock exam: REST, Microservices and Spring Cloud. They replace older topics: JMX, JMS and Remoting.

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Core Spring 3.0 Certification Mock Exam

Le framework Spring est à l’honneur dans le premier article de ce tout jeune blog. En effet, début février  j’ai eu l’opportunité de passer la Certification Core Spring 3.0. Et par ce billet, je tenais faire part de mon retour d’expérience mais surtout vous offrir librement un examen blanc.

Comme pré-requis pour passer la certification,  sachez tout d’abord qu’il est nécessaire de  suivre la formation officielle de 4 jours estampillée SpringSource. En France, elle est exclusivement assurée par le cabinet d’architecture Zenika. Mon formateur fut l’un de co-auteurs du très bon livre Spring par la Pratique. Continuer la lecture